Godox V860iii Review (vs V860ii & V1) Li-on III R2 TTL
Godox just updated one of their most successful products, the V860ii. How does the new V860iii stack up against the competition, and against Godox’s own lineup now? Let’s have a look, real world, hands on, and super in depth. (Also known as the Flashpoint Zoom Li-on III R2 TTL)
Need to pick one of these up? Feel free to use one of my links to help support this channel, and feed my fat cats:
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3BgTLhH
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3bWhZmw
Adorama: https://adorama.rfvk.net/e4EN4r
Need something a little rounder? It’s the V1:
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3dbUGDU
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/2MI9vVm
Adorama: http://bit.ly/2zxuDFh
Cats & Cameras merch store: https://www.wesperryphotography.com/catsandcameras
For a closer look at the image samples, which will continue to evolve as time goes on, head over to my website here: https://www.wesperryphotography.com/youtube/2021/10/5/godox-v860iii-review-vs-v860ii-amp-v1
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Adorama: http://bit.ly/2Sav6Ji
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Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/2KTNPFE
With the 35 1.4 GM:
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Adorama: adorama.rfvk.net/jWR50v
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#godox #flashphotography #v860iii
*Disclosure: This product was provided to me free of charge by Pergear for my honest review. Additionally, I am a member of Amazon, Adorama and Pergear affiliate/associate programs, and anything that you purchase by clicking on/through my links could result in me getting a commission. That being said, I greatly appreciate you doing so, as it helps to fund this channel’s operations, as well as feed my family.