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    GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition Review

    GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition Review

    Everyone knows that GoPro is the go to camera for capturing action. They got that way with a great product and even better marketing. Everywhere you turn when it comes to action sports and tv shows you see a GoPro.

    The Hero 3 Black Edition is the latest and top of the line action camera that GoPro offers. This is personally my first GoPro purchase and I can say I am very happy with what it allows me to do. I use the GoPro slightly different then those guys crashing down mountains and even filed complaints that I am using it wrong.

    I like using it as the first person shooter camera on my D4 as well as using it to record the RAWtalk conversations. See, there is no right or wrong way to use the GoPro, its a camera that has so many different ways you can use it. From controlling and previewing the footage wirelessly using the GoPro app to swimming with it in the ocean. The posibilites are pretty much endless.

    As with any product there are things I like and a few things that leave you scratching your head. In the video above you will get to hear my full on review.

    I will tell you that I fully recommend the top of the line gopro for anyone who is interested in its amazing features. But I can not stress enough, if you are not a video editor or you do not know a video editor you may be a little upset with the results. In my opinion the footage you capture is only as good as the editor who is cutting it. Without editing, your footage is nothing more then a couple of action scenes with a ton of not so useful footage.

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