Vintage lenses on digital cameras. How good are they in reality compared to modern lenses?
This video looks at the science, performance and aesthetics of vintage lenses on digital sensors, and their strengths, best points and limitations compared to modern lenses. Here are the links to the different sections:
1:05 Questions and answers
3:35 Technical differences between film and digital sensors, and colour science
5:51 Resolving power
6:47 Sharpness (centre)
8:09 Lens design
9:08 Edge to edge sharpness across the frame
9:40 Chromatic aberrations
9:57 FF versus crop sensors
11:19 Glass and coatings
13:15 Bokeh
13:47 Manual v auto focus and exposure
15:01 Aperture blades and rings
16:34 Quality control and used condition
17:35 Post processing and lessons learned
20:10 On-line tests
21:06 Conclusions
#vintagelens #oldlens